“Worker safety at Hanford matters to all of us, and ensuring a safe work environment has been one of my top priorities. The Council provides an independent means of resolving difficult health and safety concerns, and as cleanup moves forward at Hanford, the Council has been a proven resources.” –Patty Murray, U.S. Senator, State of Washington
“I didn’t know where to turn, or who to talk to. I didn’t think anyone could help me out of that situation and make things safe without harming my career. But the Council did it, and showed me how I could help my own situation.” –Employee who used the Council process
“The Council is an independent and effective forum for employees who have no other place to turn. Council members listen, and act with integrity to resolve the concerns of Hanford workers. This includes untangling and resolving allegations of unfair treatment, as well as tackling the underlying safety, health, security or management concerns raised by the employee. We act to protect people from the fear or actuality of losing their jobs or careers for raising safety issues, and try to make Hanford a more effective and safer place to work.” Tom Carpenter, Executive Director, Hanford Challenge
“If someone wants to see a real Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) culture at work, look to the Hanford Concerns Council. The Council is truly after truth, honesty and integrity which are all front runners for any program. The process of getting me where I belonged was slow and difficult; and I cannot give them enough credit for all the help given me during my frustrating times. I will always give the Council my utmost respect and will tell people that, if they are having a problem with the company and want a fair shake, I recommend they go to the Council for a fair resolution. The process was an awesome experience, and I have new friends who really care.” –Employee who used the Council process
“The safety and health of our employees continues to be the Department’s highest priority. Every day, our cleanup workers across the nation address hazards not found in any other industry, and they must have confidence that health and safety concerns will be taken seriously and resolved. I applaud the Council’s ability to provide timely, cost effective, and sustainable solutions that recognized the dedication and value of our employees.”- Ines Triay, Former Assistant Secretary, Office of Environmental Management, U.S. Department of Energy
“The Hanford Concerns Council has an outstanding track record of resolving issues that previously no one could solve. It is an essential element of the site’s safety programs, and it has greatly benefited workers and the Hanford area. It has also helped DOE and the contractors stay focused on their mission and on community safety.” –Christine Gregoire, Former Governor, State of Washington
“No other site has done anything like this. This is a brand-new, home-grown concept that Hanford stakeholders should be proud of. It is a kind of whistleblower ‘safe house’ that workers can turn to when they can’t get resolution through channels other than litigation. Its value will only increase as workers learn about the Council and its early, positive results.” –Hazel R. O’Leary, Former U.S. Secretary of Energy 1993-1996 (Hanford Joint Council)
“The Joint Council was the best of the best and a win-win for me and the company. Safety Issues were addressed, understood and changes were made to resolve the safety issues.” – Employee who used the Council process
“Litigation of complex issues is inevitably time-consuming and expensive, and can divert attention and resources from the Department’s mission. The Council provides a valuable alternative forum for addressing such issues, and its special assessment and mediation tools may help find a practical and workable solution that addresses both the employees’ and the Department’s concerns.” –Scott Blake Harris, Former General Counsel, U.S. Department of Energy
“For me the Council members were professional, courteous, understanding and caring. This was true for both the council members representing me and the council member representing the company.” Employee who used the Council process
“The council fills an important role by ensuring that no tank farm issue will be overlooked and no one pushed aside when they come forward to protect fellow workers, the environment and the community. Its existence will enhance both accountability for the site and dignity for workers. I commend the participating companies, the DOE, and Hanford Challenge for their agreement to cooperate, and urge other companies to join in this constructive and proven approach.” – Christine Gregoire, Former Governor, State of Washington
“The company representatives that worked with me and the other council members were open, honest and wanted to resolve the safety issues as much as I did.” -Employee who used the Council process
“Cleaning up the Hanford site is risky business. Many of the cleanup challenges we face are unknown, which means protecting the health and safety of our workers is our first priority. Offering this additional avenue to our employees when they feel their concerns may not be adequately addressed through normal channels is a positive step for everyone.” – Chuck Spencer, Former President, Washington River Protection Solutions
“The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Environmental Management (EM) strongly supports Alternate Dispute Resolution processes such as that offered by the HCC. The HCC process offers a unique set of tools for gaining a comprehensive resolution of the issues and at the same time contributing to improvements in safety practices and safety culture and the ability to keep attention focused on clean-up. DOE has appreciated this special tool and its impact.”– David Brockman, former Manager, Office of River Protection, U.S. Department of Energy